Exasperated over the delayed opening of SR 56 from Mansfield to Meadow Pointe Boulevard? Tempted to hop on this unopened segment? Don't do it! The sheriff's department is pulling over folks driving on this portion of SR 56 and from what I hear can be less than nice about it! A friend of mine explained that he was recently pulled over for driving on this segment. The officer read him the riot act and threatened to haul him off to the hoosegow for trespassing. In the end, the officer was "nice" and just gave him a ticket for $160.00!
But guess what? It is not only drivers that should beware! Back in February, a reader wrote the following comment on this blog:
"Anyone tempted to drive, bicycle, or even walk down this still closed road should be aware that the Pasco Co. S.O. is harrassing anyone they find on it claiming that they are trespassing..."
So, I suggest that you steer clear of this "shortcut" until they officially open the road whether you are operating a motor vehicle, bicycling, or even walking! (They now say it should be open in August, but we have learned long ago that dates mean nothing with this road)
FYI: Pasco Sheriff's Office asks for budget increase:
I wonder if it is trespassing when Hillsborough County and other officers cut through the extension on their way home?
driving through there I can understand they do not want us to but trespassing for walking ? That does not sound even legal...
Technically speaking, since the road is not open, it is still classified as a construction site which would be off limits (tresspassing) to any traffic, vehicular or otherwise.
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